美国酷秀收腹缩腰靶向减肥 靶向科技,哪肥减哪,酷秀减肥,我酷我秀!! [配 料]甲壳素、左旋肉碱、银杏、苦瓜提取物、膳食纤维素、茯苓。 [规 格]400mg/粒*30粒 [食用方法]每天一次,每次1粒,于早餐前或后用温开水送服。 [执行标准]QB1998-16 [贮藏方法]置阴凉干燥处保存 局部减肥:根据自身需要,选择收腹缩腰型或修腿瘦脸型 全身肥胖:收腹缩腰型与修腿瘦脸型交叉使用即单日服用收腹缩腰型双日服用修腿瘦脸型 Shoufsy slimming capsule [Ingredients] Chitin, L-carnitine, gingko, monordica charantia, dietary fibre, Poria. [Specification] 400mg / tablets * 30 [Usage] once a day, one tablet each time, take it with warm water before or after breakfast [Performance standards] QB1998-16 [Characteristics] aimming at stubborn fatty waist, eliminate superfluous meat, burn excess fat, so that flat the abdomen, slim waist, tightbuttocks ,shape an attractive figure! |